4 Tips for Cleaning Concrete Countertops

Concrete countertops are strong and durable but they still need to be taken care of appropriately so that you can get the most out of them. Concrete can stain or even erode if not cleaned properly. Here are the tips for cleaning your cement countertops

Type of Concrete Countertop

Countertops can be either porous or non-porous. Non-porous cement has been treated with a sealant or coating. The thing about sealed concrete is that the concrete is much tougher than the sealer. The sealer is what needs to be considered when cleaning this type of concrete countertop. Be careful with sharp objects, abrasive cleaners, and heat around sealed cement.

Porous concrete countertops have not been treated. These counters tend to stain more easily because the cement absorbs whatever liquid is on it unless quickly cleaned up. These types of counters tend to need more abrasive cleaners and some heavy scrubbing. Check with our installer for a recommendation on what cleaner to use (or contact Hard Rock Concrete Coatings of Utah and we can help you out too).

No matter what kind of concrete countertops you have, keeping them clean is important. Wipe them down thoroughly at least once a week. Prevention is much easier and better than trying to reclaim a nasty stained area.

  1. Soap and Warm Water

Some mild dishwashing soap and water will do wonders to most stains. This applies for both porous and non-porous concrete countertops.

To clean using this method:

  • Add about two tablespoons of dish washing liquid to a medium-sized container with warm water
  • Submerge a cloth in the water and gently scrub the stains off the counter-top
  • Repeat the process until you have fully removed the stain
  1. Laundry Detergent Stain Remover

A couple more household cleaning agents can also do great things for your counters. Safe for porous and non-porous counters:

  • Start by spraying laundry stain remover directly on the stains in your counter top
  • Let the remover sit for a few minutes
  • Follow up by sprinkling some powder detergent on the stain and waiting a few more minutes
  • Finally, clean both substances with a wet cloth or towel while softly scrubbing on the stain
  1. Hydrogen Peroxide Paste

This is effective at cleaning older or more stubborn stains.

  • One or two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • A cup of flour and enough water to form a paste
  • Place the past directly on the stain and let it sit for a few hours: You can even cover the stain with the paste using plastic wrap over it
  • Wipe the paste off with a wet cloth while scrubbing on the stain at the same time
  1. PH Balanced Wipes or Concrete Specific Cleaning Agents
  • It is important to use products that are formulated to clean concrete counter tops for daily use. There are many products on the market that will clean concrete counter tops while protecting them from damage.


  • One of the most convenient products is PH balanced wipes. These wipes are made especially for concrete counter tops and are safe to use every day. They are easy to use and can help you wipe down your counter tops after cooking.

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