Everything You Need to Know About Concrete Countertops

Thinking of adding some concrete countertops to your kitchen or bathroom? Learn about what that entails, what you’ll need to do to maintain them, and why that’s a great idea. Concrete isn’t just for outdoors anymore. This material makes for unique, customizable, and afford countertops. What are some of the pros of concrete countertops? There …

Most Common Concrete Stains and How to Remove Them

Though concrete is extremely durable, it is still susceptible to stains. Because of its exposure to the elements, cars, passersby, and other potential stain causes, concrete can easily get marked up. Remove stains on your concrete to make it look like new again. When your concrete looks pristine, your curb appeal is boosted, and your …

How to Maintain Concrete Countertops

There is a lot to love about concrete countertops—their durability, their sleek and modern look. But without the right maintenance, concrete can quickly lose its aesthetic appeal and become less and less durable. When they are well maintained, your concrete countertops can last the length of your kitchen’s life and still look great. They are …

DIY Concrete Home Décor Ideas

Making DIY décor with concrete is simpler than it may sound. The only two things you really need are some concrete and a mold. You can buy concrete kits to easily make concrete at home. As for the molds, there are longs of everyday objects in your own home that you can use! Though, once …

Easy Ways to Remove Rust from Concrete

When dealing with rust on concrete, the first step is to remove the rust. Next deal with the stain the rust left behind. Rust and its stains can be dealt with with some common household items. If you have lemon juice, vinegar, and a brush, you’re all set. Soap and Water If the strain left …

Everything You Need to Know About Concrete Sinks

Heat Resistant One of the many benefits to concrete sinks include their resistance to heat damage. No need for cooling racks or hot pads, placing heated items directly on concrete will not damage it. Whether you’re placing a hot pot or pan in the kitchen sink or a heated curling iron or straightener in the …

DIY Concrete Cleaners

Concrete surfaces can be exposed to a lot of stains. Patios get splatters, driveways get oil spills and rust, porches get dirty, the list goes on. A simple soap and water solution doesn’t always do the trick. Try one of these DIY concrete cleaners to get rid of those stubborn stains, using only ingredients commonly …

Why it is Important to Waterproof Your Concrete Outside

Water breaks down concrete causing surface damage, eroding matrix materials, and exposing base concrete. This is especially true in areas like Utah where harsh winters cause water to freeze, expand, and result in the most damage. It may take a few years to start showing, but unprotected concrete will get weaker and break down. If …

Concrete Care: The Basics You Need to Know

The reason concrete is popular for outdoor applications is that the durability and strength can’t be beaten. But most homeowners don’t realize concrete requires some care and maintenance.   Here Are The Tips You Need To Know To Help Your Concrete Last:   Start With Quality While all concrete might look alike to you, professionals …

Pros and Cons of Concrete Countertops

In the past few years, concrete countertops have taken off. And it doesn’t look like the trend is backing down any time soon. These counters are a sure way to infuse a more rustic or industrial. But if you are thinking about concrete countertops for your kitchen or bathroom, there are a few pros and …