5 Reasons Epoxy Coatings Fail

Unfortunately part of our job is to fix failed epoxy coating jobs. We see it more than we’d like – an epoxy coating job that an ambitious dad thought he could complete on a long weekend, or someone trying to add some shiny appeal to a home before they sell. Often we are called in to quickly fix issues with epoxy coatings, and they can be tricky. We always recommend that you call a professional when working with sensitive epoxy formulas, but if you are going to try to do it yourself with epoxy coatings just be sure you don’t make any of these 5 common epoxy coating failures.

5 Reasons Why Epoxy Coatings Fail

  1. Improper Preparation It is absolutely critical that the surface of your concrete floor or slab has been properly prepared before applying the epoxy coating. It takes a lot of time and effort, so it’s probably the most common fail when people try to do their own epoxy coating. All dirt and dust needs to be cleared away, no moisture left over, and other preparation coats done before the epoxy coating begins.
  2. Bad Concrete. If the concrete is crumbling, unstable, or contaminated with oils, acrylics, or other chemicals, it can cause the epoxy coating to fail. We see this sometimes when people are trying to spruce up old garages or slabs. Sometimes you may be better off just replacing the old concrete, and Hard Rock Concrete Coatings can help with that too.
  3. Mixing. These chemicals and formulas are very sensitive, so they need to be prepared, mixed, and cured in the appropriate way. There are directions on the packaging that need to be followed carefully, and the amount of time to cure needs to be respected. We also notice that many of the DIY epoxy coatings have a less professional or even cheap quality, so the mixes aren’t as effective as the ones Hard Rock Concrete Coatings has to offer.
  4. Air Quality. If there isn’t proper ventilation epoxy coatings can fail to cure appropriately. Humidity in the air can also create serious issues in the process of doing your own epoxy coating.
  5. Moisture. Unfortunately it is common to see issues with moisture in the concrete of old homes and garages. Moisture can seep upward through the concrete and make the epoxy coating fail immediately or even over time. This happens when the concrete isn’t placed on a rock foundation or if there are issues with pipes or irrigation under the area.

Epoxy coatings can give your home or garage a beautiful touch, but if they fail they can become a nightmare. If you are going to do your own epoxy coating, be sure to avoid these common fails, or better yet – call the concrete professionals at Hard Rock Concrete Coatings.


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