DIY Concrete Cleaners

Concrete surfaces can be exposed to a lot of stains. Patios get splatters, driveways get oil spills and rust, porches get dirty, the list goes on. A simple soap and water solution doesn’t always do the trick. Try one of these DIY concrete cleaners to get rid of those stubborn stains, using only ingredients commonly found in houses. Make your concrete look new!

Vinegar and Baking Soda
Vinegar and baking soda are both good go-to’s for natural cleaning and stain removal. Mix ½ c. baking soda with 8 c. vinegar and 8 c. water for a gallon of effective cleaning solution. Spray it on your concrete surface and let sit for 30 minutes. Then scrub (if needed) and rinse with water.

Bleach, Water, and Dishwashing Detergent
For dirt removal and basic stains, try mixing one part bleach and one part water with a splash of liquid dishwashing detergent. Pour it on the surface and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing.

Baking Soda and Bleach
Combine two parts baking soda with one part bleach for another solution for your concrete cleaning. This is a thick and bubbly solution that is great for scrubbing away stains. Grab your scrub brush and go to town on those stubborn spots.

Laundry Detergent and Water
Got a stubborn grease or oil stain? Try mixing two parts powdered laundry detergent with one part water, it will make a thick paste. Spread this paste over the stain and let sit overnight. Rinse and scrub clean in the morning for optimal stain removal.

Hydrogen Peroxide and Hot Water
Try mixing one part hydrogen peroxide and one part hot water for another cleaning remedy. This is a good one to put into a spray bottle and use again later.


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