DIY Concrete Home Décor Ideas

Making DIY décor with concrete is simpler than it may sound. The only two things you really need are some concrete and a mold. You can buy concrete kits to easily make concrete at home. As for the molds, there are longs of everyday objects in your own home that you can use! Though, once something is used as a mold for concrete it will not be the same. Most of the DIY ideas that we’re sharing in this post use common plastic or cardboard items as molds. When you are working with concrete, be sure to work in a covered area with gloves and a mask. Concrete spills and splatters are not easy to clean up. Be prepared with a clean and well-covered work area.


1. DIY Candle Holders

There are two ways you can do this one. Firstly, you can make small candle holders using a paper cup as a mold. To add a little detail, line the paper cup with lace. Next, pour your concrete into the paper cup about ¾ the way full. Place a mini paper cup inside to create a hole about the size of a tea candle. Allow your concrete to dry and peel away the paper cups to reveal your DIY candle holder.

The second option is for candlesticks. You’ll need a two-liter soda bottle and a candlestick. Cut the soda bottle in half and fill almost to the top with concrete. Place a candlestick in the center to create a hole the size of a candlestick. Allow the concrete to dry. Remove the plastic bottle. You can remove the candlestick or burn it down.


2. DIY Planters

For this one, you’ll just need a few small cardboard cartons and disposable cups. A whipping cream or milk carton would work well. If you’d like a bigger planter, a milk or juice carton would be a good choice. But if you’d like a mini planter, a whipping cream or small milk carton would work well too. Simply pour the concrete into the carton and place a disposable cup in the center to create a whole for plants. Allow the concrete time to dry. Peel away the cartons and cups for a new planter.


3. DIY Stepping Stones

For stepping stones, there are a few molds you can use depending on the style you want. If you’d like a more intricate stepping stone, use a plastic lid from a fruit or veggie tray as a mold. You can also use the bottom of a bucket for a smooth stepping stone.


4. DIY Bookends

To make some unique and sturdy DIY concrete bookends, you’ll need a cardboard box of the shape you want your bookends to be. A cereal box would work well. Cut the box down to the desired width of the bookend, pour in the concrete, allow time to dry, and peel away the cardboard. Customize this book end with some paint or gold leaf for a nice finishing touch.

If you liked this article and would like to read more about concrete crafts check out our articles titled, “DIY Outdoor Concrete Projects” and “DIY Concrete Flower Pots.


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