Does Heating Your Driveway Damage Concrete?

Does Heating Your Driveway Damage Concrete?

Heated driveways – do they damage concrete? Or are they a great idea to pursue, especially in a cold state like Utah?

For those who live in colder areas where braving chilly, snowy weather is a given during the winter, you’ll likely find yourself seriously considering investing in a heated driveway. The amount of time you could save not having to shovel your driveway, not to mention money saved on ice melt, is enough to make anyone consider this option! 

However, you may find yourself wondering if a heated driveway can cause damage to your concrete. Will I have to deal with cracks down the road? If it does crack, is that the end of that, or are there ways that it can be repaired?

Here are some of our insights on how a heated driveway can affect concrete and what your repair options are.

What’s the Damage?

When it comes to determining whether or not you’ll encounter damage when investing in a heated driveway, it all comes down to the quality of the installation. If the heating is installed correctly, whether it’s an electric coil heated driveway or a hydronic heated driveway, you shouldn’t encounter cracking or damage too soon. If it’s installed poorly, you’re sure to see damage within the first few years.

Weigh the Pros and Cons

So let’s consider some of the pros and cons of having a heated driveway! It really can work wonders when it comes to saving time. There will be no need to shovel the walk or sprinkle ice melt on your driveway. You’ll save money on a winter’s worth of ice melt, as well. Additionally, you won’t find yourself sliding around on any ice as you pull in and out of your driveway, which is not only convenient, but also provides an added level of safety and peace of mind when it comes to winter driving.

In terms of cons for having a heated driveway, the upfront installation cost can be steep. It’s definitely an investment, and not a decision that you’re likely to make on the fly. There is also the potential maintenance that may need to be done over time. If you do decide to get a heated driveway, you’ll want to be sure to look for a reputable company to ensure you’re getting quality service that lasts.

Contact Hard Rock Concrete Coatings

At the end of the day, it’s likely that, at some point, you will encounter some damage to your concrete. The heating may cause some cracking, which we understand can feel overwhelming. However, this doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker for you! Here at Hard Rock Concrete Coatings, we offer concrete repair services that make it possible for you to have a heated driveway without having to worry too much about extensive – or expensive – repair costs. Located in Riverton, Utah, we pride ourselves on offering excellent care for a variety of flooring services, including acid staining, epoxy flooring, and more. Contact us today to get more details on what concrete repair services are available!

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